Fabulous News!
This story starts out with a routine eyesight check up at my opticians in Norwich. I simply expected to get my eyes checked, maybe choose new spectacles and get a new case for my glasses etc. but what unfolded was much more exciting.
During a general chit-chat, catch-up post COVID 19 conversation with my optician, I mentioned that I had recently designed some greetings cards featuring a black cat wearing snazzy spectacles. I realised, all of a sudden how perfect they would look in the opticians! But how, it wasn’t a card shop. But the optician wanted to take a look. Next minute, we had decided that the design could be uploaded to the gigantic, digital, wall-mounted display screen, and a few cards could go in the window for window dressing. A week later, on a trip to Norwch I was excited to see my illustration radiating colourful and super groovy light from the optcian’s window – it looked…well, if I say it myself, absolutely FABULOUS!
A week or two went by then out of the blue, the optician suggested using the design for their ‘in house’ lense cloths – WOW…more excitement.
Design files have been sent to the cloth printer and now begins the hard part…waiting to see the cloths and of course, use them!